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seaworld express ferry., ltd

서비스 이용약관

서비스 이용약관

서비스 이용약관

Terms of Service

Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these terms is to define the basic conditions and procedures for the use of the internet services provided by 감동의 제주여행은 씨월드고속훼리와 함께하세요(hereinafter referred to as "the Site").

Article 2 (Effectiveness and Changes of Terms)
  1. These terms become effective when announced to users through the service screen or other methods.
  2. The Site may modify these terms, and the modified terms become effective when announced or notified in the same manner as in the previous item.
Article 3 (Definitions)

The definitions of the terms used in these terms are as follows:

  1. Member: An individual or organization that has entered into a service use contract with the Site or has been assigned a user ID (ID).
  2. Applicant: An individual or organization applying for membership.
  3. ID: A combination of letters and numbers set by the member and approved by the Site for member identification and service use.
  4. Password: A combination of letters and numbers set by the member to confirm that they are the member who was assigned the ID and to protect their own privacy.
  5. Termination: The cancellation of the service use contract by the Site or the member.
Chapter 2 Service Use Contract
Article 4 (Formation of Use Contract)
  1. Pressing the agree button at the bottom of the terms is considered as agreeing to these terms.
  2. The use contract is formed when the Site accepts the application for use after the applicant agrees to these terms.
Article 5 (Application for Use)
  1. To use the service, the applicant must fill out and submit the user information required in the Site’s designated application form.
  2. All user information provided in the application form is considered to be true data. Users who do not provide their real name or actual information may not receive legal protection and may be subject to service restrictions.
Article 6 (Acceptance of Application)
  1. Except as provided in the second and third items, the Site accepts service use applications.
  2. The Site may withhold acceptance of an application until the reasons for the acceptance restriction are resolved in the following cases:
    1. When there is no available capacity in service-related facilities
    2. When there are technical difficulties
    3. In other cases deemed necessary by the Site
  3. The Site may refuse acceptance in the following cases:
    1. When applying using another person’s (Site’s) name
    2. When applying with false user information
    3. When applying with the intent to disrupt public order or morals
    4. When failing to meet the Site’s designated application requirements
Article 7 (Change of User Information)

If a member's information recorded at the time of application changes, they must update it online. The member is responsible for any issues arising from failure to update their information.

Chapter 3 Obligations of Contracting Parties
Article 8 (Obligations of the Site)
  1. The Site provides the following services to members:
    1. Sending newsletters about new services and domain information
    2. Automatic entry of personal information when registering additional domains
    3. Various additional services for domain registration and management
  2. The Site may not disclose, publish, or distribute member personal information obtained in connection with service provision without member consent and cannot use it for commercial purposes other than service-related work. However, exceptions include:
    1. Requests from national authorities under laws such as the Telecommunications Basic Act
    2. Requests related to criminal investigations or by the Information Communication Ethics Committee
    3. Requests in accordance with procedures established by other related laws
  3. The Site is obligated to continuously and stably provide services as defined in these terms.
Article 9 (Obligations of Members)
  1. Members must not engage in the following behaviors while using the service:
    1. Using another member’s ID improperly
    2. Reproducing, changing, publishing, broadcasting, or providing information obtained from the service without prior approval from the Site
    3. Infringing on the Site’s or others’ copyrights or other rights
    4. Disseminating information, sentences, diagrams, etc., that violate public order or morals
    5. Engaging in objectively criminal activities
    6. Other actions that violate related laws
  2. Members must comply with laws, these terms, service use guidelines, and precautions.
  3. Members must follow any usage restrictions posted in service notices or separately announced by the Site.
Chapter 4 Service Provision and Use
Article 10 (Member's Obligations Regarding ID and Password Management)
  1. Members are responsible for all management of their ID and password. The member is fully responsible for any consequences arising from negligence or misuse of their ID and password.
  2. If a member’s ID is used improperly or if there is any security breach, the member must notify the Site immediately.
Article 11 (Service Restriction and Suspension)
  1. The Site may restrict or suspend all or part of the service in cases of war, natural disasters, or other national emergencies, or if a telecommunications service provider suspends service due to unavoidable circumstances.
  2. When the Site restricts or suspends service according to the previous item, it must promptly inform members of the reasons and duration of the restriction.
Chapter 5 Changes and Termination of Contract
Article 12 (Change of Information)

If a member wishes to change their address, password, or other customer information, they may do so using the member information change service on the website.

Article 13 (Termination of Contract)

Members may terminate their service use contract and must apply for termination directly through the service or by phone or online. The Site will restrict the member’s service use from the day the termination request is received. If a member wishes to terminate the contract due to one of the following reasons, the Site must notify the member at least 7 days before termination and provide an opportunity to explain.

  1. If the member violates usage restriction regulations or fails to resolve the restriction reasons within the restriction period
  2. If the Information Communication Ethics Committee requests termination
  3. If the member does not respond to a request for a statement without a valid reason
  4. If the application was made using another person’s name or if the application contained false information or documents The Site may restrict membership for a specified period for members terminated according to these rules.
Chapter 6 Compensation for Damages
Article 14 (Disclaimer)
  1. The Site is not responsible for any damages caused by a member not obtaining the expected benefits from the service or damages arising from the selection or use of service materials.
  2. The Site is not responsible for any service disruptions or data damages caused by the member’s fault or a third party’s intentional actions.
  3. The Site is not responsible for the content of materials posted or transmitted by members.
  4. For domains with trademark rights, any damages or liabilities arising from such domains are the responsibility of the purchasing member, and the Site assumes no responsibility.
Article 15 (Jurisdiction)

In case of disputes between the Site and members related to the service, the court having jurisdiction over the Site’s headquarters will be the competent court.

[Supplementary Provisions]

(Effective Date) These terms are effective from November 2020.